Praised for his “unusually ethereal and powerful voice” on the operatic stages, countertenor Dr. KIM Minsang, has performed numerous leading roles, such as Giulio Cesare and Tolomeo in Handel’s Giulio Cesare; Nerone in Handel’s Agrippina; Rinaldo in Handel’s Rinaldo; Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Ottone, Nerone, and Valetto in Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea; Endimione in Cavalli’s La Calisto; Orfeo in Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice; Madame de la Haltière in Massenet’s Cendrillon; Prince Orlofsky in Johann Strauss II’s Die Fledermaus; Secrecy and Mopsa in Purcell’s The Fairy Queen; Sorceress in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas; Apollo in Cavalli’s L’Egisto; Ixion in Charpentier’s La descente d’Orphée aux enfers; and Ascanio in Mozart’s Ascanio in Alba.
In addition to the operatic stage, he has performed with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Washington Bach Consort, Balance Campaign, Dolce Contento Ensemble, American Bach Soloists, Washington National Cathedral Choir, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Chamber Orchestra, Washington Concert Society, Peabody Renaissance Ensemble, Peabody-Hopkins Chorus and Daegu Orchestra.
He has frequently appeared in renowned concert halls such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, Strathmore Music Center, Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, Kaufman Music Center’s Merkin Hall, Jordan Hall, Miriam A. Friedberg Concert Hall, Daegu Opera House and Daegu Art Center.
Dr. KIM is the winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Capitol District, Annapolis Opera Competition, Camille Coloratura Awards, Saltworks Opera Competition, Concert Artists International Music Competition, Russell C. Wonderlic Voice Competition, Music Association of Daegu City Music Competition, and Osaka International Music Competition as well as being a finalist of the Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition, Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg International Opera Competition, and Vocal Arts DC Competition. He has also been awarded the Official Citation from the Maryland Legislative Asian-American and Pacific-Islander Caucus for promoting the art and assisting the most vulnerable populations in the immigrant community of Maryland.
Originally from South Korea, Dr. Kim moved to the United States in order to attend the Juilliard School’s Pre-College. He received his Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at the New England Conservatory of Music. He then received his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in Voice at Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. He was the first countertenor who received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the institution, and he was a recipient of the George Woodhead Endowed Scholarship and the G. Raymond Ziegler Endowed Scholarship.
He is currently serving as an Assistant Professor of Voice at the Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee.
“천상의 소리, 아주 흔치 않은 강력한 소리” 라는 찬사를 받은 카운터테너 김민상은 미국과 유럽등지에서 Handel의 Giulio Cesare (Giulio Cesare, Tolomeo 역), Agrippina (Nerone 역), Rinaldo (Rinaldo 역); Britten의 A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Oberon 역); Monteverdi의 L’incoronazione di Poppea (Ottone, Nerone, Valetto 역); Cavalli의 La Calisto (Endimione 역), L’Egisto (Apollo 역); Gluck의 Orfeo ed Euridce (Orfeo 역); Massenet의 Cendrillon (Madame de la Haltière 역); Johann Strauss II의 Die Fledermaus (Prince Orlofsky 역); Purcell의 The Fairy Queen (Secrecy, Mopsa 역), Dido and Aeneas (Sorceress 역); Charpentier의 La descente d’Orphée aux enfers (Ixion 역); Mozart의 Ascanio in Alba (Ascanio 역) 등 다수의 오페라 무대에서 주연을 맡아 호연하면서 오페라 가수로서 입지를 다져 나갔다.
오페라 무대 뿐만 아니라 카운터테너 김민상은 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Washington Bach Consort, Balance Campaign, Dolce Contento Ensemble, American Bach Soloists, Washington National Cathedral Choir, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Chamber Orchestra, Washington Concert Society, Peabody Renaissance Ensemble, Peabody-Hopkins Chorus, Daegu Orchestra등 세계 여러 콘서트 무대에 초청되어 연주자 로서의 역량을 펼쳐 나갔다. 그리고 미국 카네기홀, 케네디센터, 링컨센터, 심포니홀 등을 비롯한 세계 여러 저명 연주홀에서 독창회 및 연주를 이어 나가고 있다.
카운터테너 김민상은 그의 실력을 일찍이 인정 받아 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Capitol District, Annapolis Opera Competition, Camille Coloratura Awards, Saltworks Opera Competition, Concert Artists International Music Competition, Russell C. Wonderlic Voice Competition, Music Association of Daegu City Music Competition, Osaka International Music Competition 등 다수의 국제 콩쿨에서 우승 및 입상하였다. 그리고 미국 메릴랜드 주 정부 단체 (Maryland Legislative Asian-American and Pacific-Islander Caucus)로 부터 지역 사회의 막대한 예술 발전에 기여를 함에 따라 표창을 수여 받기도 하였다.
그는 대구 출생으로 미국 뉴욕 줄리어드 음대 예비학교 (The Juilliard School’s Pre-College) 로 도미하여 장학생으로 성악 공부를 하였고 이 후 미국 보스턴 뉴잉글랜드음악원 (New England Conservatory of Music)에서 학사 학위를 우수한 성적으로 장학금을 수여받으며 졸업하였다. 그리고 미국 볼티모어 존스홉킨스 대학교 피바디 음악원 (Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University)에서 George Woodhead와 G. Raymond Ziegler 장학생으로 석사 및성악 박사 학위를 카운터테너 최초로 취득하였다.
현재 그는 미국 테네시 오스틴 피 주립 대학교 (Austin Peay State University) 음대 성악과 전임교수로 후학을 양성하며 활발한 활동을 이어나가고 있다.

jason bae | founder & music director
©Ashley Koo
Jason Bae is the Founder & Music Director of Afflatus Ensemble and has recently finished his two-year role as the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Conducting Fellowship Programme Conductor in 2020/21. Jason made his debut in Stockholm, conducting the Aurora Festival Orchestra - presenting the Swedish premiere of "Violent, Violent Sea" by the American composer, Missy Mazzoli. Last year, Jason gave the New Zealand Premiere of Lotta Wennäkoski's "Nosztalgiaim" with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra National Youth Orchestra.
He has received masterclasses with renowned conductors such as Osmo Vänskä with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Jorma Panula with South Denmark Philharmonic Orchestra, Kuopio Symphony Orchestra, Vaasa City Orchestra, Hamish McKeich, Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Holly Mathieson and Gemma New with New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.
Formerly trained as a pianist, Jason received his Master of Arts in piano performance with the highest distinction award, 'DipRAM' at the Royal Academy of Music in London studied under the Professor Emeritus Christopher Elton and Joanna MacGregor in 2015. Jason then further studied orchestral conducting and was mentored by Jukka-Pekka Saraste. Currently, he has been accepted to study his second Masters Degree in Orchestral Conducting at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm as the only recipient receiving the entire full scholarship from the college.